Sunday, October 18, 2009

DIA Student Design Competition

Upper Cut Hill Brooch

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These are the brooches I made from the designs I drew up the the DIA Student Sustai
nable Design Awards.
This Brooch and its partner are a visual comment on the logging industry in Victoria and around the world. My aim was to portray the utter devastation wrought by clear felling methods and the complete lack of sustainable thinking by logging industry executives.

Upper Cut brooch

In an attempt to be as sustainable as possible in the actual production of the brooches, i chose materials that are either found locally, recycled or are able to be easily recycled or refined. the Brooch depicted on the far left is made from copper (easily refined) and recycled news paper. The Brooch on the right is made from copper and locally found eucalyptus timber.

These Two Pieces relate to a pair of posters which were the actual submission to the DIA Student Design Awards. Here they are below. Click to see a larger image.

Graphic Design by: Puneet Jodhka.